Probiotics literally means “for life,” or supporting life. Probiotics are live and beneficial bacteria. These microorganisms are the essential “friendly” flora, the “good” bacteria—that maintain the ecosystem in our own bowel, or intestinal tract. There are two types of bacteria, which colonize our bodies, good and harmful bacteria. Good bacteria, most of which are Lactic Acid bacteria ensure good health. They normally inhabit the intestines and are critical in maintaining the correct balance of our intestinal microflora. However, to achieve this they must be present in optimal numbers, types and ratio ; 85% good bacteria to 15% bad bacteria. Friendly bacteria including Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifido-bacterium, and Lactobacillus bulgaricus are our body’s first line of defense against all the potentially harmful microorganisms that you inhale or ingest. Probiotics are another term for these friendly bacteria that live and work in the gastrointestinal tract every day of our life. Think of them as a mighty bacterial army that defends the body against dangerous invaders. Having these friendly bacteria in residence can help prevent a wide range of health problems.
Opposed to Probiotics is antibiotics. Anti means “against life”. Unfortunately, when consumed antibiotics destroys “good bacteria” along with the “bad bacteria”. Additional things that can destroy the intestinal bacterial balance in our gut include, stress, poor diet, pollutants, environmental changes, and prescription drugs, chemicals in fertilizers, pesticides,which also deplete beneficial bacteria. Consequently, this speeds up the aging process and leads to various diseases and digestion problems.
The Royal Society of Medicine of Great Britain reported that 90% of chronic diseases are caused from an unhealthy intestinal system primarily the colon. There exists a connection between imbalance in the intestines and the following: Chronic Fatigue, Asthma, Hay fever, Food Allergies, Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, Arthritis, Candida/Thrush,Irritable Bowel, Celiac Disease, Indigestion, Constipation, Lupus, Low Immune System, Problem Skin, Lack of Energy, Weight Gain, Cancer, Diabetes, Alzeimers.
If we wished for ourselves to maintain a healthy body, we need good quantities of friendly bacteria. This is easily done by taking supplements of good bacteria to help us counteract the harmful bacteria.
It is essential then, that we must add effective, premium probiotic supplements to our daily lives to maintain and re create the right and good balance in our micro flora, as well as to replenish the system with good bacteria in order to maintain optimum health. As leading Medical Practitioners have long said; “the answer lies in the vital role that intestinal tract micro flora play in an individual’s overall health.”
Probiotic is a functional food that is essential for good health. It is to be the “medicine” of the twenty first century.